

All Dreams Are Not Sweet

Most dreams are signs and proofs that you went into Deep Sleep (REM) phase and, hopefully, stayed there long enough to reap its benefits, but some dreams just won’t let you sleep. And would turn your nights into nightmares. Unfortunately,…

Don’t Let them Cry

Why do kids cry? And your options are: 1.They have bad manners. 2. They Love to Cry. 3. Their parents are cry babies and they inherit the genes. 4. It is Natural and desirable for kids to cry, “Bachpan mein…

To be really awake,..

Rx Sleep..“शब-ए-फ़ुरक़त का जागा हूँ , फ़रिश्तों अब तो सोने दो। …कभी फ़ुरसत में कर लेना हिसाब आहिस्ता आहिस्ता।…”अमीर मीनाई । We all can relate with these beautiful lines in this Era of sleep deprivation, or should I say, starvation.…