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Homeopathy is complete system of medicine and can be used to treat any and all ailments




If you ask us our specialization it's constitutional treatment through 24x7 intensive homeopathic care.

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As the word 'Classical' suggests, it represents the purest form of Homeopathy, strictly adhering to the principles laid down by the founder of this great healing science. At PHC, our endeavor is to combine it with the vast and powerful healing tool called Naturopathy.

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Are You Still Looking For a Perfect Site On Homoeopathy?

Whether you are intrigued by the mystique of Homeopathy or baffled by its complexities. Whether you are a student or an inquisitive wanderer eager to know about the subject, or a patient wanting to know about the subject – more details

So grab your mouse and click-start the enchanting journey through the wonderful world of Homeopathy. May this journey lead you to the ultimate wealth: called Health!


Healthy Life

"Never well since covid vaccination, steroids?"

Let us help you out by neutralising the side effects


About Us

We Teach Your Body To Treat Itself

Our goal is to treat patients using old traditional techniques of Acupuncture along with homeopathic drugs prepared from all natural ingredients.


Food builds bodies, emotions form the heart, learning nourishes minds.


Right Homeopathic medicine ensures great quality sleep, naturally, so that you sleep well to wake up better.


How much of Yog, Aerobics, or Weight Training we help you choose for your needs. As you gain the ability under our treatment.


Medicine might be the last or the least desirable but no less vital a pillar of ideal health. How a constitutional Homeopathic medicine becomes a catalyst in optimising the other three is simply amazing.

100% Positive Reviews

Thousands of Happy Patients

Ms. Sonia Gauba

Dear Dr. Shikhar Kaushal, I wanted to thank you again for helping me achieve my dreams of having a family. I am blessed to have tasted motherhood and It would not have been possible without your medication, guidance and support. In July 2016, We sat and discussed my medical history that was full of disappointments and my deteriorating health including my ever aching body, weight gain, numb legs, crackling bones and a weak lever. I had tried allopathic treatment for infertility for 3+ years but to no avail. I had a passive belief in homeopathy but I could never imagine that it can help in conception as well. I wanted to recover from my other ailments first but your words that “Homeopathy takes care of our overall well being” came true when I conceived. I remember that within two days of medication, I started feeling my usual self, there was no pain at all. From the very first month of medication, my PCOD was taken care of and my periods regulated. It was amazing. I started toning and then in the month of September I conceived. And my medication included three pills, yes only three tiny three pills, twice a day and not a single lab test. You stood by me through my infertility, pregnancy discomforts, postpartum care and now my mommy blues too. Not only are you amazing at what you do, You are a complete package, A true caregiver !Thank you for being supportive throughout my journey.

Mr. Shubhit Narang

The eczema started around 8 years back and I always relied on allopathic medication to resolve the issue but even though the medicines worked to an extent the eczema would come back as soon as the medication was stopped. I was told by the doctor that I had to continue the medicine for lifetime as according to them this was something that cannot be cured completely and permanently. After struggling for 6 years I met Dr. Kaushal and started homeopathic medicine for the same. To my amazement not only the medicines helped but it was his 24X7 guidance that helped me cure my eczema which had bothered me since a very long time. I am grateful to Dr. Kaushal and team for putting an end to this problem with their hassle free method of medication.

Aditi Juneja

My utmost worry after my delivery was the excess weight that I had gained and that I still looked as I was expecting. After consulting Dr.Shikhar Kaushal, within the first 10 days of treatment I lost 8 kgs, without making me feel weak or any other side effects. On the contrary, I feel light and energetic and able to enjoy the time bonding with the baby, without worrying about the excess kilos. Today, my daughter is 19 days old and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight.


Dr Shikhar, has been our family doctor for more than 13 years now and I and my family has never turned back to allopathic medicine. I was suffering from migraine problem but it’s been 13 years now that I will take any pain killer. Whenever any early symptoms appears and if I connect with Dr over phone and within 1-2 doses of medicine help with the pain. The amazing fact is his availability & dedication to serve his patient, We were in Singapore for 3 years and currently, we are in US from past 2 years but Dr Shikhar made himself always available whenever we needed his services via phone/sms. Whether it’s a cold , cough, fever or migraine I always get the relief within 1-2 days. I feel myself luck that I am able to find Dr like him. 

Raakhi Bakshi

I have know him for more than 20 years. I remember I was in class 12 boards on my head and tragedy stuck us where I lost my father and I got a very sever allergy to the extend that I could not hold my pen to write. It was through his rigorous treatment that I was able to write my exams effectively. The treatment took time but I was cured completely. Recently during lock down I was stuck in pune and had developed very sever UTI. The infection had passed to all organs. I was in discomfert even after taking steroids. The only person I knew who could treat me and I could fall back on was Dr. Kaushal. I started his treatment in July and since September I am just doing perfectly fine. My 4.5 year old daughter who had been on puff for almost a year is fairing well with his medication (touchwood) and no longer on puffs, or steroids. I had an entire medical store open at my house but no more now. Please do get in touch with the number above and get yourself treated, without any side effects

Gynecological Conditions

Neurological Diseases

Internal Medicine


Endocrine System Disorders



Diseases That Can Be Treated

Diseases that can be treated with Holistic medicine or so-called alternative medicine belong to practically all aspects of medicine including cardiology, surgery, ENT, OB-GYN, Pulmonology, Cardiology, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

Ask your question directly to Dr. Shikhar Kaushal.

‘Ayam shareeram vyaadhi mandiram”   ‘This body is a temple of diseases.’
Says an ancient Indian saying, the Living and the Sentient need no introduction to Disease. No one exactly knows who made it and why, so many lives are spent suffering from or fighting against various diseases, so much money and other resources spent or wasted. It naturally becomes a universal dream to have a disease free world. When most of the diseases are genetic or inherited, Homoeopathy with its known powers to remove hereditary flaws from a constitution holds a lot of promise and as more and more people wake up to its beauty and start relying on it to get their inherited genetic flaws removed or modified, they will have lesser and lesser of these to pass on to their successors. Hence, homoeopathy can take us a long way in making the future generations free from diseases and to realize the dream of a disease free world.
Here we have given all the questions we have been asked by our patients about the curability of their diseases by homoeopathy. If you have any such queries you can type the same in the box below and send it to us. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible with a suitable answer.
Thanks for taking the trouble and spending your time to visit our site. It must be some Quest, need, curiosity, expectation, or hope, that brought you this far.Wiifm…… “What’s in it for me?” Is what determines our response to all the things around us.
How much you would like this site will depend on the extent to which it meets your expectations. We, on our part are always there to try our best to satisfy your needs related to the subject. If you did not find what you were looking for, any queries, doubts, unanswered questions (related to your disease or Homoeopathy), feel free to type them in the box given below. We would welcome any suggestions that can help improve our services or this site.


Stress is a ‘wear & tear’ experienced when you are adjusting to the continually changing or demanding environment. It has physical as well as emotional effects on us and can create FIGHT or FLIGHT (positive or negative) response. Positive stress adds anticipation and excitement to life, and we all thrive under a certain amount of stress. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. Deadlines, competitions, confrontations, and even our frustrations and sorrows add depth and enrichment to our lives. But as a negative influence, can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Your goal should not be to eliminate stress as even insufficient stress can act as a depressant & may leave us feeling bored and dejected. Stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it. It is the response to stress that makes it a relative term. The same situation might be too stressful for a person leading him to give up and commit suicide, while the same situation might be a worthy challenge for someone else and act as a stimulant or motivation to work harder. ‘Adversity’ as is said,’ makes or breaks a man.’ Our response like rest of our behaviour, depends on the efficiency of our glands and how balanced our hormone secretions are. It is the performance of pituitary-adrenal axis that tells a coward from a courageous man. It’s here that homoeopathy steps in and can be of immense help by tuning our endocrine system as a whole it restores the ideal hormone secretions in a person and modifies his response to the same stressful situation making him feel in command, act judiciously, and be stress-free.

Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to bone fragility and an increased susceptibility to fractures of the hip, spine, and wrist. Men as well as women suffer from osteoporosis, a disease that can be prevented and treated effectively by homoeopathy.
Women are more prone to it around menopause &afterwards due to changes in hormone levels. Rather than supplementing the deficient hormones with artificial ones, which might have adverse side effects, we in homoeopathy try to restore the balance by constitutional treatment, which improves bone density and minimizes the concomitant discomforts like hot flashes, joint pains, mood swings etc. as well.